Fit 075 Food Trades, Tempo Training and 4-letter Words!

Food Trades that make the grade, Tempo Training for fun and 4-letter words to forget!

Which Dunkin Donut has less fat and calories?
Is a Starbucks breakfast better than McDonalds?
Does Domino's pizza have a place in your nutrition plan?
Find out the answers to these pressing questions in this episode!

What four letter words are you using daily that might sabotage your weight loss plan? What pops into your head when you hear the word "diet"? What should pop in your head when you hear that word? I'll let you in on the secret to making the right choices with the right words.

Tempo training is fun, different, and had endless possibilities! I'll explain how to use this technique in your workouts and give you some specific exercise examples as well as training tips!

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  1. Another awesome podcast, Kira. Can't begin to tell you how motivational they are. Please keep them coming!


  2. Another awesome podcast, Kira. Can't begin to tell you how motivational they are for me. Please keep them coming. cm
