The yoga bridge pose is great for stretching and relaxation. It also has many uses for your workout!
Here are 5 ways to use a bridge pose in your workout:
1.stretch hips and spine
2.core strengthening-ab and low back
3.Toes up for hamstrings
4.ball exercises
5.variety for flat exercises like lying extensions or chest work
Read the full excerpt and learn more yoga poses from the book "Yoga: A Beginner's Guide to Yoga and Meditation" at Clubfit.
A quick and easy vegan quiche recipe. Add more vegetables or cooked chicken (for the non-vegan), the possibilities are endless! Get the full recipe at ClubFit or get the Vegetarian Recipe book at the ProShop. This book is a collection of 125 Vegetarian recipes that will help you prepare the essential foods you require in a tasty and healthy way!
The first in a three part series on personal development. What is your routine-part 1: The morning. More information on creating positive, productive habits, get the book "Personal Transformation" at the Fitness Makeover ProShop. Start with these two evaluations: Your morning thought and your morning fuel (food). Do you start your day with a positive mental imprint? Do you repeat your Mantra (Episode Fit 070)? Do you eat breakfast?
Check the ProShop for my eBay listings from my personal fitness collection!
Listen to the show for all the details: Fit 106: Yoga Bridge, Quiche & Your Daily Routine
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