Fit 053 Big News & Target Heart Rate Training

Target Heart Rate Training
Learn how to use Target Heart rate training to increase your endurance, gain cardiovascular benefits, overcome a plateau and keep cardio fun!

Big News and lots of it!

  • New Fitness Forum!
    Join me and other like-minded exercisers for discussions, check-ins and the weekly fitness challenge! Find the new Fitness Forum at and make sure to bookmark it too!

  • Fit Girl Podcast made the top 10 at the Podcast Awards!
  • Vote for Fit Girl Podcast at Podcast Awards from October 23 until November 6, 2008. You can vote once per day. Check out other podcasts in various categories that were nominated and vote for all your favorites! Pass it on!

  • Weight Trackers available separately!
  • The Weight Trackers FULL program is now available as a download. You get all four plans! The Weight Trackers plan is still FREE with the Fitness Makeover Kit.

  • Fitness Makeover Kit programs to be offered individually.
  • The Fitness Makeover Kit is still the best way to go! But for those who want just one part, the individual programs will be available soon.

  • Head bangin' Cardio
  • I have found some great music on for the next cardio workouts. Hard rock/metal whatever you want to call it, it'll keep you moving! has a ton of undiscovered talent, check it out!

    Target Heart Rate Training
    Add some variety to your workouts with Target Heart Rate Training! It is easy to estimate your heart rate range, just take 220-your age and then take 70-90% of that number. Example: A 30-year old would be 220-30=190 and then 70-90% would be 133-171. Many gym cardio machines have these numbers already calculated for you! For out door workouts, you can take your pulse for 6 or 10 seconds then multiply or use a heart rate monitor watch.

    Training within your target heart rate range will enable you to become aerobically fit faster. That means better endurance and lung capacity. It also means more efficient cardio workouts which translates into more work done in less time! If you don't train in your THR, that's ok too, you'll still work your body and burn some calories. Use your target heart rate ranges to provide some incentive to push a little harder or make your own intervals. It's another way to make your cardio fun!

    Lastly, excuse me if you end up getting two notices of the news. I will be sending out on a news flash to those on my newsletter list too. Here's the link to the show Fit 053 Big News & Target Heart rate training

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