Fit 096: ClubFit, Goals, Lemon & Duck feet!

ClubFit is finally open! the membership and personal training center I have told you about is ready for you to review! Workouts, proven programs, videos, all kinds of personal training to help you get in shape for spring & summer! Quality, affordable personal training with accountability and motivational tools too!

Do you walk like a duck? Many people have this problem. It is mostly caused by tight hip flexors or psoas muscles. Since our day to day activities usually require sitting, the hip flexor muscles are prone to tightness.
Adding some extra stretches at the end of your workout can help. As can some stability ball exercises. Yoga poses such as triangle and warrior can help release this muscle group. Remember the rules of stretching:
  1. don't bounce
  2. hold it steady
  3. stretch when warm( a 3-5 minute walk is sufficient)
  4. do it consistently!
Adding a little lemon juice, about 4 teaspoons to your side salad, can significantly reduce the blood sugar spike caused by your main meal! Studies have shown that when a little lemon juice on a salad is eaten with an average meal of say, chicken, rice and veggies, lowered blood sugar levels by as much as 30 percent! This is a big help to those trying to lose weight and regulate blood sugar levels! The effects appear to be related to the acidity of lemon juice. Scientists have known that acidity in food can drastically change the natural rate of stomach emptying. This results in a reduced delivery time of food to the small intestine. Carbohydrate digestion is slowed and the final effect is that blood sugar levels are significantly lower as well. Give it a try at your next meal!

Time to review or renew your goals! Grad those new years resolutions or start fresh! Downloadable Goal worksheets from the Fitness Makeover Workshop Control are available at ClubFit. Get yours today and get started! Make sure you tell us about your goals at the forum! Sharing your goals helps with accountability and ultimately, helps you succeed!

FYI- iTunes has added new categories and I am now using the Workout & Fitness category. Listen to the show for all the details:Fit 096: ClubFit, Goals, Lemon & Duck feet!

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