Fit 121: Success Cycle, Permanent Weight loss & Leg Training Mistakes

Where does the time go? Catching up on a few missed podcasts to get me and you back on track!
Available at iTunes cardio interval ipod workouts!
Cardio Intervals #8: Advanced and Cardio Workout #1: Treadmill Intervals

New at the free success plan!

A review of Leg training mistakes, hopefully you don't do any of these!

The diet cycle in more depth! How it works, how it can be changed for permanent fat loss. And why you need to do something to stop it today! Quick weight loss only sets you up for failure and a ride on the Diet Cycle! Learn what to do for permanent weight loss, have your cake & eat it too, without weight gain!

Get on the success cycle! using your thoughts to motivate you will get you to your goals faster! Self-talk & self respect are major topics on the FitnessMakeover Workshop Seminars. These are very powerful tools for weight loss and life success. Learn how to use them!

Other Announcements:
Listen to the show for all the details:Fit 121 Success Cycle, Permanent Weight loss & Leg Training Mistakes

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