Happy New Year 2014!

Time to create your new year! Commit to your goals, plans, new habits or anything else, by posting it here! If you need help, I'm here for you! A few of you wrote on the FitGirlUSA Facebook Page last year. It's always fun to return to the posts and see what you accomplished, or what you need a new plan to complete.

One of my goals was to compete again, this time in a figure competition. Alas, that did not happen in 2013, but I have refocused my goal on it and made a plan for this year. Looking back at 2013 there were many ups and downs, many new ideas, a few new creations and as always not enough time!

Here's a few accomplishments from 2013:

Of course, there are even more plans for 2014. I'm sorting all the goals and projects to post next! In the meantime, share your 2013 accomplishments! Remember, accomplishments can be anything you are proud you did! From losing weight to using more weight at the gym! Post your 2014 goals too! Here in the comments section or on the Facebook page.

Can't wait to hear about your successes and your goals!