Fit 099: Control, Triceps, Calories

Do you really know what you can and cannot control? Are you doing the Lying Triceps Extension correctly? Want to know a way to trick your metabolism to bust through a weight loss plateau? It's all in this episode!

From the Fitness Makeover Workshops, a video clip about control. Click here or visit ClubFit to watch the video. Learn what you can and cannot control! You can control your thoughts, your eating and your exercise. Everything begins in thought and you are what you think you are! You can control:
  • good eating choices
  • scheduling exercise (even just a few minutes)
  • how you react to obstacles
  • how you overcome lame excuses
Varying your caloric intake can get your body past a weight loss plateau. You must plan the calorie changes. Start by knowing your "plateau" calorie range then adjust the carb grams to fluctuate around your average caloric intake. I'll be offering specialized programs on this in the future if you need help. Check ClubFit for various fitness calculators that can help with this.

Lying triceps extension: keep your eye on your shoulders! Don't move them!
Watch the video for a demonstration.
dumbbell tricep extension weight training
lying dumbbell tricep extension

(Click on image to view this exercise...)

FYI- iTunes has added new categories and I am now using the Workout & Fitness category. Listen to the show for all the details: Fit 099: Control, Triceps, Calories

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